Abstract: Connecting with the Community
Here's what I said we'd do.....
We'll have a short look some blogs.
We'll have a quick chat about digital literacy- the things you could do and shouldn't do with your blog.
Then we'll either construct a Blogger blog if you haven't got one or add features to your blog if you have already got one! Do the tricky stuff while someone's around to lend hand - really speeds up the process.
When you get home you may like to print off particular blog posts from this blog so you can have them beside you as you work your way through.
When you get home you may like to print off particular blog posts from this blog so you can have them beside you as you work your way through.
Before posting student's work or images on line it is best practice to ask their parent/whanau permission.
Here is some paperwork around this issue that you may like to adapt.
Privacy Permission Agreement
Student Use Agreement
Staff Use Agreement - add in File Sharing Legislation notice
Think about cyber-safety as you work with children. Blogging gives children a real context for conversations around digital citizenship and cyber safety.
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Our Best Blog Posts of the last five years....
1. Our very first blog post- November 2005
2. Miriam shares her voice
3. Learning our mihi with Melville Intermediate
4. Skype call with students in British Columbia
And its follow up Voicethread.
5. My own Edublog- sharing my learning and practice
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Here are some of our favourite blog posts from the last couple of years- collated on to one website.
Sherryn Lines Class- Brightwater http://room4-brightwater.blogspot.com/
Cherryl Eden's Class- Richmond http://room14richmondprimary.blogspot.com/
Audrey Ross, Hope School http://room3hope.blogspot.co.nz/
Allanah King's- Appleby http://moturoa.blogspot.com/
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If you get stuck or want some more help around blogging you can contact me via my email...